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評審介紹 / Judge Introduce

Drora Bruck 德蘿拉.布魯克

Isreal   以色列

德蘿拉.布魯克(Drora Bruck, 1966)經常參予獨奏及室內樂演出,合作過的樂團包括奧羅斯木笛四重奏(Owlos Recorder Quartet)、新地中海巴洛克四重奏(New Mediterranean Baroque Quartet)、耶路撒冷巴洛克管弦樂團(Jerusalem Baroque Orchestra)等等。除了中世紀、文藝復興及巴洛克音樂之外,德蘿拉也在以色列積極演出木笛現代音樂。許多傑出的作曲家都曾為她創作樂曲,數量多達八十餘首。
自1989年起,德蘿拉便經常參與以色列廣播電台音樂之聲(Kol HaMusica)錄音,也曾參與澳洲廣播公司(ABC)及美國WGBH廣播公司錄音,還曾和阿爾巴尼唱片公司(Albany records)、EWB及TELAD等公司合作錄製音樂專輯。
近年來,德蘿拉將時間投注在年輕世代音樂家的教育上,目前她任教於耶路撒冷音樂舞蹈學院(Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance)及華盛頓山丘教育學院(Washington Hill College for Education),同時也是以色列音樂院古樂系系主任。她是個很受歡迎的教師,也是所有木笛教師的楷模,時常接受邀請到世界各地開設大師班。以色列教育局正式將她認定為國家級的木笛專家。
德蘿拉擁有耶路塞冷音樂舞蹈學院(Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance)的音樂學士文憑、米蘭西維卡音樂學院(Civica Scuola di Musica in Milano)的演奏文憑及萊文斯基教育學院(Levinsky College of Education)的音樂教育碩士學位。

Henry Ho 何永佳

Hong Kong  香港



Henry Wing-kai Ho graduated and holds a teaching diploma from The Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto, Canada. Other than his studies in music, he also holds bachelor degrees from York University, Toronto, in Economics and Administrative Studies. He has also worked in the administrations of the Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association and the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts. Subsequently, he travelled to Holland to further his studies in recorder playing in the Utrecht Conservatorium and obtained a bachelor degree.


He has given many recorder seminars, performances, lectures, adjudications, music selection and workshops for The Department of Continuing Education of the Hong Kong Baptist University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association, and Tom Lee Music Foundation, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Po Leung Kuk, The Early Music Society of Hong Kong, and the Concerto da Camera Hong Kong. He has been teaching the recorder since 1989 in the Hong Kong Music Institute, the Music Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Institute of Education of Hong Kong.


Performs regularly as a soloist and chamber music artist with ensembles such as OWLOS recorder quartet, The New Mediterranean Baroque Quartet, The soloists of the Jerusalem Baroque Orchestra etc. Alongside her work on medieval, renaissance and baroque music, Drora is one of the most active performers of contemporary music for recorder in Israel, having had more then 80 pieces composed for her by prominent composers.
Records regularly to Israel's Kol HaMusica (simce 1989), and had recorded to ABC (Australia), WGBH (USA) and CDs for Albany records, EWB and TELAD.
Performs extensively in Israel and in other parts of the world, such as Italy, Romania, Canada, USA, England, Japan etc.
In recent years Drora had decided to dedicate much of her time to caching young artists and is currently teaching at the Jerusalem Academy of Music & Dance, The Washington Hill College for education and is the director of the Early Music department at the the Israel Conservatory of Music, Tel Aviv. She is a sought after teacher, coach of recorder teachers and is invited to teach masterclasses internationally. In Israel she has been recognized by the ministry of education as a national recorder expert.
Drora holds a BMus from the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, a diploma from the Civica Scuola di Musica in Milano and an MA degree in music education from the Levinsky College of education, and is currently studying towards her Phd in Musicology.

 黃雪穎 Professor Huang

China  中國大陸




Mrs. Huang graduated from Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz and got the master degree of recorder performance.

Now Mrs. Huang is a professor of the Sichuan Conservatory of Music. She plays an important role of the Sichuan’s recorder development. She is committed to promote the recorder music in China.

             黃淵泉 Professor Huang

Taiwan   台灣

黃淵泉老師,1984 年畢業於西班牙馬德里皇家音樂院、2010 年取得輔仁大學藝術學院音樂系博士學位,深耕台灣木笛及吉他教育許久,擔任數任全國音樂比賽直笛組評審,更出版直笛教本,創辦XX1 世紀古樂團,曾獲邀於國內大大小小演出場合。


Professor Huang graduated from the Royal Academy of Music in Spain and got the Ph. Degree of recorder performance in 2010. He roots in the recorder and guitar education for long time. He is the judges of the recorder competition very often.

             許琬誼 Professor Hsu

Taiwan   台灣


德國科隆音樂院阿亨分校    木笛教育碩士

德國科隆音樂院阿亨分校    木笛演奏碩士

德國科隆音樂院阿亨分校    大鍵琴演奏碩士







She got the Master Degrees of Recorder Performance, Recorder Education and Harpsichord Performance in Hochschule für Musik Köln.

Now Teacher Hsu is the recorder professor of Tainan University of Technology. And she is the leader of Tainan City Teacher’s Recorder Ensemble, Tainan City Teenagers’ Recorder Ensemble and Kaohsiung Recorder Chamber Orchestra. She always becomes the judgement of the recorder competition in Taiwan.

             劉永泰 Yung-Tai Liu

Taiwan   台灣

             張珊卿 Professor Chang

Taiwan   台灣







She graduated from Hochschule Mozarteum and got the best grade there.

When she turn back Taiwan, she starts to work on spreading the recorder education around Taiwan. She always become the judgement of the Taiwan’s recorder competition.

Now teacher Chang is the professor in the National Taiwan Normal University.

             黃世雄 Professor Huang

Taiwan   台灣

黃世雄老師台中師專畢業,維也納音樂院結業。主修長笛(隨陳澄雄團長、義大利籍Mario Bonzagni 學習)、木笛(隨王尚仁教授、德籍Rahel Stoellger 荷蘭籍Marion Verbruggen、Han Tol 比利時籍Bart Spanhove 學習)。




Teacher Huang graduated from National Taichung University of Education and Vienna Konservatorium. His Major is flute and recorder. He had studied music with Mario Bonzagni, Marion Verbruggen, Han Tol and Bart Spanhove.

Teacher Huang set up the first Teacher Recorder Ensemble in Taichung. He dedicated to promoting the development of Taiwan’s recorder music. He wrote many scores and books for recorder as well.



Teacher Liu is recorder, ocarina and Chinese flute virtuoso musician. He has led the ensemble group won the first prize at Japan’s recorder competition. He is the important recorder music’s educator in Taiwan.

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